Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Beggar Bard

By Pedro R.C. Silva

An old beggar wrapped in rags sat on a stool to tell a story, looking for no award in forms of coin or ale, only wishing for his voice to be heard. His lips and tongue rolled under his beard. Though old and brittle was his throat, the tax of years never daunted him. The students and professors from Oxford University did turn to hear his tale of woe and misfortune. Sometimes he pointed to a photo or two, adding emphasis to names and places. The fire’s reflection on his blue eyes roared with enough emotion to match the beggars own. A touch of silence, a stroke of whispers, a beat of roars, and a moment of laughter, all of this surrounded the beggar as he took aim at the hearts, souls, and imagination of those who bore witness. Hundreds of eyes watched as he transformed into the bard of yesteryears, who spun the same stories with different characters.
Then a bell was struck, the magic dissipated, as the cry of last call was yelled. The old beggar looked to the fire, as it was about to eat through the last log of the night.

©2014 - Pedro R.C.  Silva - All rights reserved

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